NCEA 2020 Hotel and Travel Information


*Hotel list, shuttle details and availability subject to change.  Check back as the Convention draws nearer for further updates.* 

Hotel Rates & Amenities     Book Your Hotel Room      Hotel Map

If you have questions or need assistance with making your hotel reservations, please call Connections Housing at 855-476-6976.

Housing information is provided solely for the use of attendees and exhibitors to search for official NCEA 2020 hotels. Use of this information for solicitation purposes of any kind, by anyone other than a registered attendee or exhibitor, is strictly prohibited.


Important Note

The Official Housing Vendor for NCEA 2020 is Connections Housing. Through their website you can book, modify or cancel your hotel reservations at any time and receive updated information about the event. The hotels within the official block offer the best rate and service to our attendees. If you choose to book outside of the block, NCEA cannot guarantee the quality of service that the official hotels can provide.

It has come to our attention that housing poachers have been contacting NCEA exhibitors and attendees and identifying themselves as being affiliated with NCEA. NCEA has NO affiliation with these organizations and in no way endorses their services. Please do your part by booking inside the block!

If you are contacted by anyone other than Connections Housing, please get as much information as you can (name of company, person calling, telephone number, etc.), and notify the NCEA Director of Events, Amy Durkin.

Below are companies that are not affiliated with NCEA and are not authorized by NCEA to offer housing for NCEA 2020. NCEA strongly encourages you to only use Connections Housing when making hotel reservations for NCEA 2020.

CBS International
Convention Expo Travel
Convention Hotel Management
Convention Housing Authority
Convention Housing Services
Corporate Booking Services
Exhibit Transfer, Inc.
Exhibition Housing Services
Exhibition Housing Management
Event Travel Bureau
Global Housing and Lodging Services
Global Housing and Travel Services
Global Travel Partners
HLS Global National Travel
National Travel Associates
Show Coordinators

Laudato Si'

Following the principles of Laudato Si'.


Momentum Magazine

Relevant, timely and important articles and best practices in the realm of Catholic education.


Faith Assessments

Tools to evaluate your religious education programs.
