Benchmark Rubrics

The seventy Benchmark Rubrics correspond to the seventy Benchmarks in the NSBECS. They provide concrete descriptors of policies, programs, procedures, etc. that are present in schools which have operationalized the benchmark on one of four levels: 4= Exceeds the Benchmark, 3=Fully Meets the Benchmark, 2=Partially Meets the Benchmark, 1=Does Not Meet the Benchmark. By using these rubrics for self-assessment, schools are guided through an in-depth internal evaluation of the four domains of operations and programs contained in the Standards and Benchmarks. In addition to the descriptors of school performance on four levels, the rubrics suggest Possible Sources of Evidence that schools could and should use to provide observable, measurable “proof” of their self-identified rubric level score for the benchmark under consideration. Through the process of gathering and analyzing evidence of school performance on the standards and benchmarks, schools are provided an opportunity to develop and demonstrate the accountability required by quality Catholic educational systems.

How to Use the Rubrics

4 = Exceeds the Benchmark

Level 4 is designed to provide a clear and specific description of what is present, observable and measurable in a school that exceeds the Benchmark. A school operating on the “exceeds” level gives evidence that all elements identified in the Benchmark (Level 3) are not only present and functioning well, they are present and functioning on an exemplary level—more effectively, more consistently, more seamlessly integrated, could be a model for other schools. The descriptors in Level 4 will give reviewers valuable information about what needs to be present if the school exceeds the Benchmark, which also clarifies in greater detail what evidence a school can present to show their level of implementation of this Benchmark. If a school is not yet at Level 4 on the Benchmark, these descriptors contribute to setting goals and action plans for growth.

3 = Fully Meets the Benchmark

Level 3 is designed to provide a clear and specific description of what is present, observable and measurable in a school that fully meets the Benchmark. Often, the “fully meets” descriptors in the rubrics essentially restate the Benchmark itself since the Benchmarks were formulated precisely to describe what we expect to find in place in an effective Catholic school. For some Benchmarks, additional descriptors for Level 3 may be added to the original Benchmark statement. A school operating at this level gives evidence that all elements identified in the Benchmark are present and functioning well. This is the starting point for the team review of school performance on this Benchmark.

2 = Partially Meets the Benchmark

Level 2 is designed to provide a clear and specific description of what is present, observable and measurable in a school that partially meets the Benchmark. A school operating on the “partially meets” level gives evidence that some but not all elements identified in the Benchmark are present and/or some or all elements present are functioning at a beginning, emerging or marginal level. Reviewing the information in Level 2 also gives the review team additional details about what should be present in the school to score at Level 3, and points to relevant evidence needed to verify a score of 3.

1 = Does Not Meet the Benchmark

Level 1 is designed to provide a clear and specific description of what is present, observable and measurable in a school that does not meet the Benchmark. A school operating on the “does not meet” level gives evidence that none of the elements identified in the Benchmark (Level 3) are present and functioning well. As with the information provided in the other Levels, the information in Level 1 helps review teams clarify what must be present, minimally in Level 2 and then beyond, also pointing to evidence needed for verifying the school’s level score on the Benchmark.

The Benchmark Rubrics

Download Standard 1 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 2 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 3 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 4 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 5 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 6 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 7 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 8 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 9 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 10 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 11 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 12 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition

Download Standard 13 Rubrics: NSBECS, Second Edition - NSBECS, First Edition